Matilda accepts referrals of adult clients from age 21 years and above. Matilda does not work with children nor accepts medico-legal cases.
For private paying clients, please contact Matilda directly to make an appointment or book in an appointment using the online booking page. No GP referral is required if you are paying for your own sessions.
GPs looking to make a referral, please specify the following in your referral letters as per Medicare guidelines:
The client's diagnosis;
The number of treatment sessions required (the initial recommendation is usually 6 sessions, with a review to be completed at the 6th session to determine any additional requirement of treatment); and
A copy of the Mental Health Care Plan.
All referrals could be emailed to Matilda at Alternatively, the client could be provided with a copy of his/ her Mental Health Care Plan and advised to organize an appointment with Matilda either via email or her practice mobile at 0404 303 814.
For NDIS participants wishing to engage in psychotherapy with Matilda, you will need to list Matilda as your preferred service provider (Therapy Services). If you have a Plan Manager, he/ she could assist you with this. It is important that you have completed this step prior to your first session with Matilda, as otherwise, your NDIS fund would not be set aside for your sessions and Matilda will not be able to bill for the sessions.
Helpful assessment tools for GPs
10 item outcome measurement tool measuring non-specific psychological distress.
21 item outcome measurement tool measuring depression, anxiety and stress.