Each session is 50 minutes long. Please arrive on time, as your session will end as per your appointment time if you are late.
If you arrive early, please take a seat in the waiting area. Please note that there
is no receptionist.
You will receive an sms and email reminder at least 48 hours before your
Sometimes, it is inevitable that plans do change at the last minute. So if you are unable to attend, please notify Matilda at least 24 hours before your appointment time if you are self-funded or using a Mental Health Care Plan. Otherwise, a cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of your session fee (that is non-rebatable) will be charged (for private referrals and Mental Health Care Plans). For example, a regular session fee of $185 would incur the cancellation fee of $92.50. Please note that you will need to pay the cancellation fee in full before the next appointment could be made. The cancellation policy is to ensure that you maintain a good level of accountability for your own therapy, as well as respect for the time we have together as the time has been specifically set aside for you.
The NDIS Fee Schedule allows providers to recover 100% of their costs if a cancellation is made with less than 2 clear business days’ notice .
Appointment Booking:
Please book your appointment here.